Saturday, November 30, 2019
The American Civil War Essays (1577 words) -
The American Civil War The American Civil War The Civil War was a brutal war between the North and South of America over the issue of slavery, which was spurred on by the secession of the southern states from the Union of a America. At the time slavery was one of the main issues in America that caused a disagreement between the north and south and these disagreements about humanity and slaves added to the tension that would finally lead to the out break of war. Slavery was almost totally abolished in the northern states after 1787 when the Constitution was drafted at the Philadelphia Convention and slavery was looked upon as the peculiar institution of the southern states, by the north. The southern states looked upon slavery as a way of life and were in no way prepared to give up what they felt was there property and a very important part of their cotton and farming production. Another implication that caused great tension between the north and south over the issue of slavery was that even though their were anti-slavery supporters in the south; some of the abolitionists of the north would write notices and say that all southerners were evil and cruel slave owners, who would treat their slaves badly. This angered the southerners who felt that the northerners were just being hypocrites and didnt know what they were talking about, which turned pro anti-slavery southerners into stronger supporters of the south. It was thought by some anti-slavery groups in America that slavery would die out because America had in 1808 stopped the participation in the international slave trade, which meant no supplies of new slaves would be coming in. But this theory proved wrong because slavery in the south began to expand due to the great demand of raw cotton from cotton mills of the Industrial revolution from overseas places like Britain. Also the cotton-based expansion of slavery came due to the invention of the cotton gin, by Eli Whitney in 1793, which cleaned the cotton plant and refined it on a mass scale. The south started more tension over slavery when they decided they had to expand their territory westwards and gain more states because other wise they would be out voted in congress and slavery would be abolished completely, also they needed new land to replace all the over used farming land in the other southern states. The Abolitionists were another factor that came into the tension point of slavery. People such as William Lloyd Garrison who published the newspaper, The Liberator, which attacked southern slave owners. Making them and the slave traders out to be criminals. He and followers of his such as Wendell Phillips used these accusations against the southerners based on the fact that they said that slavery was a sin in the Christian religion and was in general, immoral. Another abolitionist that fought hard for the abolishment of slavery was Fredrick Douglass, an ex-slave who escaped from slavery and urged other black people to do so. Douglass became the station-master and conductor of the Underground Railroad in Rochester, New York which helped fugitive slaves escape to the north since the southerners had congress pass the Fugitive Slaves Act in 1850. This act meant that all American citizens had to help recapture fugitive slaves and that all Negroes were assumed slaves unless they could prov e they were free. Douglass also established the abolitionist newspaper North Star, which he edited until 1860. Books such as Harriet Beecher Stowes novel, Uncle Toms Cabin, which was published 1852 helped to strengthen the anti-slavery feeling in the North. Finally as one historian described the figure, that was the single most important factor on bringing on the war, was the most extreme abolitionist, John Brown. Brown believed that he was an agent of God and dedicated his life to the abolishment of slavery and believed the way to achieve it was by using force. He was a member of the radicals, who tried to abolish slavery by defying the law and not a member of the gradualists who tried to abolish slavery through legal means. Brown and his sons went to Kansas to fight against the pro-slavery terrorists there and finally his
Monday, November 25, 2019
Description and Examples of Variables
Description and Examples of Variables A variable is a name for a place in the computers memory where you store some data. Imagine a very large warehouse with lots of storage bays, tables, shelves, special rooms etc. These are all places where you can store something. Lets imagine we have a crate of beer in the warehouse. Where exactly is it located? We wouldnt say that it is stored 31 2 from the west wall and 27 8 from the north wall. In programming terms we also wouldnt say that my total salary paid this year is stored in four bytes starting at location 123,476,542,732 in RAM. Data in a PC The computer will place variables in different locations each time our program is run. However, our program knows exactly where the data is located. We do this by creating a variable to refer to it and then let the compiler handle all the messy details about where it is actually located. It is far more important to us to know what type of data we will be storing in the location. In our warehouse, our crate might be in section 5 of shelf 3 in the drinks area. In the PC, the program will know exactly where its variables are located. Variables Are Temporary They exist just as long as they are needed and are then disposed of. Another analogy is that variables are like numbers in a calculator. As soon as you hit the clear or power off buttons, the display numbers are lost. How Big Is a Variable As big as is needed and no more. The smallest a variable can be is one bit and the largest is millions of bytes. Current processors handle data in chunks of 4 or 8 bytes at a time (32 and 64 bit CPUs), so the bigger the variable, the longer it will take to read or write it. The size of the variable depends on its type. What Is a Variable Type? In modern programming languages, variables are declared to be of a type. Apart from numbers, the CPU does not make any kind of distinction between the data in its memory. It treats it as a collection of bytes. Modern CPUs (apart from those in mobile phones) can usually handle both integer and floating point arithmetic in hardware. The compiler has to generate different machine code instructions for each type, so knowing what the type of variable helps it generate optimal code. What Types of Data Can a Variable Hold? The fundamental types are these four. Integers (both signed and unsigned) 1,2,4 or 8 bytes in size. Usually referred to as ints.Floating Point Numbers up to 8 bytes in size.Bytes. These are organized in 4s or 8s (32 or 64 bits) and read in and out of the CPUs registers.Text strings, up to billions of bytes in size. CPUs have special instructions for searching through large blocks of bytes in memory. This is very handy for text operations. There is also a general variable type, often used in scripting languages. Variant - This can hold any type but is slower to use. Example of Data Types Arrays of types- single dimension like drawers in a cabinet, two-dimensional like post office sorting boxes or three dimensional like a pile of beer crates. There can be any number of dimensions, up to the limits of the compiler.Enums which are a restricted subset of integers. Read about what is an enum is.Structs are a composite variable where several variables are lumped together in one big variable.Streams provide a way to manage files. Theyre a form of a string.Objects, are like structs but with much more sophisticated data handling. Where are Variables Stored? In memory but in different ways, depending on how they are used. Globally. All parts of the program can access and change the value. This is how older languages like Basic and Fortran used to handle data and it is not considered a good thing. Modern languages tend to discourage global storage though it is still possible.On the Heap. This is the name for the main area used. In C and C, access to this is via pointer variables.On the Stack. The stack is a block of memory that is used to store parameters passed into functions, and variables that exist local to functions. Conclusion Variables are essential to procedural programming, but it is important not to get too hung up on the underlying implementation unless you are doing systems programming or writing applications that have to run in a small amount of RAM. Our rules regarding variables: Unless you are tight on ram or have large arrays, stick with ints rather than a byte (8 bits) or short int (16 bits). Especially on 32 Bit CPUs, there is an extra delay penalty in accessing less than 32 bits.Use floats instead of doubles unless you need the precision.Avoid variants unless really necessary. They are slower.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Caregiver Stress
ASC 4126 – The AIDS Pandemic Caregiver Stress Caregivers are those people who provide assistance to other people who are unable to perform certain activities on their own because of a physical disability or chronic illness. Formal care can be obtained at home, or from institutions such as nursing homes, and is offered by trained, paid or volunteer professional caregivers. However, informal care, which is usually offered by family members or friends, often in a home setting, is becoming increasingly common. These caregivers are normally inexperienced, untrained, and otherwise lacking the education necessary to maintain their own good health under the stressful conditions they face. Informal caregiving can have significant effects on the mental and physical health of the caregiver, and this will continue to become an increasing social problem in the United States as the population ages and the number of people requiring care outpaces the availability and affordability of professional care. Therefore, it is important to address the warning signs of caregiver stress, the potential health consequences and the ways in which the stress can be managed. Informal caregiving is becoming an increasingly standard function of many American families. It is estimated that there are 29. 2 million family caregivers in the United States, and about a quarter of them are caring for an aging parent. (McLeod) One of the common unintentional, harmful effects that is a reality in informal caregiving is that there is the potential for the â€Å"illness or disability or injury of the one (being cared for to) become such a focus it almost replaces the rest of their identity†. (Article 8) The same kind of thinking can also be used to explain the health risks that the caregivers themselves face. Caregiving can be very stressful, time consuming and demanding. Informal caregiving, which is usually a healthy spouse, child or parent living with the disabled person at home, can be a 24 hour, 7 day a week responsibility. It can consume all of their free time, and therefore the caregiver could potentially lose their own identity, and become unable to recognize the warning signs of their own health deterioration as a result of their commitment to caregiving. These caregivers, as part of losing their own identity, may be putting there own needs behind the needs of the person they are caring for. The result of this is that many of the warning signs that the caregiver is risking their own health are either overlooked, or attributed to being overwhelmed or tired from the extensive amount of time and energy that is required in caregiving. It is important for caregivers to educate themselves about the signs or symptoms of caregiver stress so that they can be sure to maintain their own good health. This is the only way to continue to be able to care for their loved one, as well as to help prevent a medical situation in which they could eventually require full time care themselves. The warning signs of caregiver stress vary from person to person, but doctors and psychologists have formulated general symptoms that people should pay attention to. At risk caregivers may exhibit denial about the disease or its severity, anger at the person with the disease, an inability to concentrate and severe irritability. Other psychological conditions could include depression and anxiety, dulled emotions and frequent memory lapses. They might be quick to cry or get angry, or have the consistent feeling that they simply can not cope anymore. Physical symptoms could include chronic fatigue, headaches, stomach aches and sleeping difficulties. Caregivers might even notice that they are catching colds more often than normal, or that they are experiencing an increase in their smoking, drinking or drug use. About 30% of caregivers use psychotropic drugs, such as sleep-aids, compared to only 20% of non-caregivers. (AlzheimerSolutions) Caregivers should also recognize warning signs in other aspects of their life as well. In their social life they may feel isolation or withdrawal from their friends, or be less interested in activities or events they usually enjoy. Another signal may be reduced effectiveness at their job, or in their other family responsibilities other than the caregiving. (McLeod, Maritato) Doctors and psychologists agree that if a caregiver experiences several of these symptoms, that they should consider themselves at-risk for medical complications themselves, and realize that their ability as a caregiver may become compromised. The importance for caregivers to recognize these symptoms and make the necessary lifestyle changes can not be understated. It is especially important for elderly caregivers, most of whom are caring for their spouse. It has been shown that a caregiving spouse between the ages of 66 and 96 who experience some type of emotional or mental strain have a 63% greater chance of dying than those in the same age group that are not caregivers. (Caregiver. org) But it is not just the elderly that develop serious medical problems related to their caregiving responsibilities. Caregiving related stress can have a severe impact on the immune system, which in turn has a direct influence on our overall health. Even wound healing is affected by the stress associated with caregiving because of the impact on the immune system. One study shows that wounds, such as cuts, take 24% longer to heal in Alzheimer caregivers than in non-caregivers. (AlzheimerSolutions) A weak immune system will also result in an increased rate of infections and serious illnesses. Therefore, caregivers are at an increased risk of contracting common colds and the flu, as well as more serious, chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. O’Brien) Research has shown that 51% of caregivers with significant responsibilities have sleep difficulties. (O’Brien) Lack of sleep can result in decreased effectiveness at work and at home, as well as impairing the ability to be a functioning caregiver. This symptom of caregiving can also have severe health consequences. There is increased research that shows a direct relationship between sleep deprivation and a heightened risk of many major illnesses, i ncluding heart disease and obesity. O’Brien) Finally, it has been proven that the stress associated with caregiving can actually shorten a person’s life if they don’t pay attention to the warning signs and maintain their own good health. This is not something that only the elderly needs to consider, because caregiving stress can affect the physiology of all caregivers. It has been shown that chronic stress can â€Å"accelerate the effects of aging by actually shortening cell life, (because) it leads to weakened muscles, skin wrinkles and even organ failure†. These studies found that this type of chronic stress can potentially shorten a caregivers life by as much as ten years. (O’Brien) In order to prevent these serious medical conditions, caregivers must not only watch out for their personal warning signs, but also find ways to manage the stress of caregiving. Most importantly, caregivers need to take care of their own health. This includes regular exercise, eating nutritious meals, and maintaining regular sleep patterns. Regular medical checkups are also essential, especially if the caregiver is experiencing some of the warning igns mentioned earlier. Perhaps this is the most overlooked necessity, because of either the lack of time, or the constant focus on the person being cared for. It is estimated that caregivers average four doctor visits per year, while non-caregivers average seven. (AlzheimerSolutions) Other ways that caregivers can manage the stress include maintaining their social life, especially their friendships and ot her social relationships, which can serve as a much needed break, or â€Å"escape†from their responsibilities as a caregiver. Caregivers should also be willing to ask for and accept help from others whenever possible. This can include other family and friends, or community organizations such as a local Area Agency on Aging, faith based groups or adult day centers. Adult day centers are basically there to provide relief for caregivers. They provide social activities and minimal medical attention during normal business hours. It is also important for caregivers to have an outlet for their stress, which can be achieved through talking to their friends and co-workers about their experiences. Joining a support group can also be a beneficial tool to learn how to deal with negative feelings. In order to properly manage their stress, caregivers have to learn how to deal with the common feelings associated with caregiving, such as embarrassment, guilt, helplessness and anger, and a support group could really help in that effort. Most people that become informal caregivers do so because of the unexpected illness or injury of a loved one. Because they generally become caregivers without any training or education, they are not usually aware of the possible negative impact on their own health that can be a result of their commitment to caregiving. It is therefore extremely important that caregivers understand the warning signs and symptoms related to the stress associated with caregiving and the potential medical consequences. They need to take advantage of any services available to help them manage the stress, including help from friends, family and the community to ensure that they maintain their own health, and their ability to be a functioning caregiver.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Trends Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Trends - Assignment Example to the technological advancements and democratization of the society, there has been a decline of violent crimes but an increase of non-violent crimes like cyber crimes where unsuspecting individuals and even organizations are conned lots of money. According to Rosenfeld (2010), violent crimes like murder rape and robbery have been on a downward trend while non-violent crimes like cyber crime and bank fraud are increasing. This is because of technological advancements and exposure, since criminals are able to reach many within a short time through the internet. Authorities all over the world are working hard towards detection, prevention and reduction of crime through criminal justice system. There are ethical considerations that are embraced in the 21st century that have really helped in ensuring proper dispensation of justice. Just to illustrate, it is a requirement by the law of most authorities that accused persons are treated with dignity and accorded the right to defend th emselves in a court of law. Another ethical requirement that has ameliorated the criminal justice system is the entrenchment of integrity rules in the practice. Those who are charged with the responsibility of dispensing justice are required to uphold high moral standards and to shun compromising, for example soliciting personal gains for favor. Such ethical perspectives have improved the quality of justice and will still help in future and therefore should be embraced and made better. Rosenfeld Richard. (2010). Comprehensive and current data and information on crime trends in the United States and other nations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession Essay
Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession - Essay Example Therefore, at the subconscious level of mind, the person learns through confession to acknowledge the social institutions (that boost up one another and that are interrelated with each other), in other words, the society as the power over his or her life, while learning to view body as an object that needs to be reigned carefully and to remain in continual vigilance. (Reich, 1966: 35-37) According to Foucault, how confession is related to sexuality essentially involves learning about the truth of human body or what Foucault calls the science of sexuality (‘scientia sexualis’). Indeed Foucault’s concepts of ‘confession and sexuality’ are indispensably interwoven with his â€Å"theory of social discipline†in the sense that his theory considers the physicality or the organic existence of body –a seat of needs and appetite- as a subject of politics and power. Foucault assumes that confession comprises â€Å"all those procedures by which th e subject is incited to produce a discourse of truth about his sexuality which is capable of having effects on the subject himself†(Foucault, 1980: 110). Confession produces subjectivity through the authority of speech about sex. Indeed confession and sexuality are related with each other through a power-subject relationship. (Tambling, 1990: 49) When sexuality represents body as a subject to power, confession plays a dual role in power mechanism. Not only has it provided power with the scope to exercise control over the body by informing power of the self-willed, honest and spontaneous truth about human body, but also it assists the confessor over the subject of confession, sex, by distancing it as an object to be discussed. Foucault believes that confession plays â€Å"a central role in the order of civil and religious powers†¦The truthful confession was inscribed at the heart of the procedures of individualization by power [and has become] one of the West’s mo st highly valued techniques for producing truth†(Foucault, 1990: 58). In the very first place, the obligation to confess itself is the sign of power’s influence on the individual, as Foucault writes about it: â€Å"the obligation to confess†¦is so deeply ingrained in us, that we no longer perceive it as the effect of a power that constrains us; on the contrary, it seems to use that truth, lodged in our most secret nature, ‘demands’ only to surface†(Foucault, 1990: 60). This urge of an individual to confess evolves his or her discomfort under the panoptic gaze of power. Smart (1995: 88) explains Foucault’s concept of panoptic as following: The Panopticon was to function as an apparatus of power by virtue of the field of visibility in which individuals were to be located, each in their respective places ... for a centralized and unseen observer. In this schema subjects were to be individualized in their own space, to be visible, and to be conscious of their potentiality constant and continuous visibility. (Foucault, 1975: 88) By confessing the confessor becomes affected in two ways: first, he or she becomes a part of power’s panoptic gaze, which imposes constant surveillance on sex, by internalizing it more; second, the confessor reaffirms his or her identity in term of power relations, since sex holds the truth of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To What Extent Did City Life Improve in Victorian Britain Essay Example for Free
To What Extent Did City Life Improve in Victorian Britain Essay In Victorian Britain life was busy and overcrowded because of the industrial revolution. During this time people who live in villages moved to cities and coal was found in Wales. The coal that was found led to new factories and more jobs. Life in a industrial city included transport so people could get around and not have to walk everywhere, education for younger children and adults to led to better jobs, working conditions for all those who worked in the factories and mining this was a improved, the hygiene meant people could be cleaner and more cures for diseases, entertainment for peoples enjoyment and physical happiness and the diet of people for newer tastes and better or healthier eating. All of these factors improves life in Britain and has changed life for us now. The transport in Victorian Britain has changed by making longer journeys shorter. The most significant change is the invention of trains and boats this helped to transfer things off quicker and receive them quicker. For transport the new developments were in 1830 the invention of the train came along, this decreased the amount of time to get to places. The trains were powers by steam also known as the steam train. That same year the canal boats were invented these were used to carry goods from places. Then in 1885 bikes were invented this meant people were to get more exercise. In the 19th century the first car was made, the car went up to 4 mph. The impact of these changes are it make life a lot easier by helping food and other goods to get to places quicker this means the food and other goods will not rot or rust on there journey. But the most significant improve meant is the inventions of the train and boats because trains help the people and boats help the peoples health by giving them fresher food. The invention of the car has had the greatest impact on today’s way of living from Victorian Britain. The car has been improved through out the years and is now seen as the biggest invention in Britain. The people who benefited from these changes are the poor because they can go on holiday and have a fun time whereas the rich can go anywhere on the new transport inventions and us in the 21st century because we have improved on what was invented back in Victorian Britain. The people who suffered from these changes are the people who worked on the trains because they suffered from the poisonous fumes. The poison can cause breathing problems and then led to death. Another bad point is the boats because if the weather is bad the boats were not built with strong enough materials so they would be damaged or broken and this could cause deaths for the people abroad the boat. In my opinion transport was better for the people in Victorian Britain because it made life faster and it saved time. The new inventions were affordable for the rich and the poor so everyone could enjoy going on journeys. The education in Victorian Britain has changed by many children and adults would now get a good education. The education for children is free with no charge this will led to the children having a better future, with more jobs and more money. The education has many new developments which are in 1870 children aged 5 to 13 were expected to attend school for free from Monday to Sunday. Then by 1883 children were expected to have two hours of school everyday, this is good because the children in Victorian Britain will be able to make new inventions in the future because of their education now. In my opinion the impact of these changes of children being able to work for free is it will make them cleverer and they will have better knowledge the improve life in Victorian Britain and life now. But the most significant change is children were expected to have two hours of education everyday because that is fourteen hours a week of education. The amount of hours that children are educated has impacted on our education today. The negative points about the education are the lessons were boring because the children only copied of the board and did not learn anything. The lessons need to be more fun to make the children more interested in learning. If they misbehaved or they did not understand the teachers would be punished the children by whipping them or hurting them by getting the cane out. I my opinion the children’s education was better because the children are given the chance to learn and with the knowledge they learn they can led to better jobs and more money in the future. By the children being educated for free it stops the children from working in the factories which causes many deaths. So there is a greater population of children in Victorian Britain. The working conditions in Victorian Britain have changed by the children’s health and safety in the factories. There were many injures and many deaths. But the main change was how many hours everybody worked. The working conditions in 1832 changed by children aged 9 were banned from working whilst children aged 13 could not be made to work more than 9 hours a day. Then by 1847 there was a maximum of 10 hours a day for women under 18 and children aged 13 were no longer allowed to work more than thirty hours a week. Then in 1871 workers were allowed trade unions which allowed the people to gain more money. In the early 19th century a man called William Wilberforce helped bring an end to slavery in Britain. In my opinion the impact of these changes are the children’s working conditions because throughout the years the children’s health and safety has changed because in the 18th century the working conditions the very bad and there would be many injures and deaths of children. The most significant change is the amount of hours everyone worked because the hours have decreased massively even though woman are still being paid as much as they were before. The negative points on the working conditions are in 1820 children were forced to work from Monday to Saturday for 12 hours and 6 hours on Sunday. This means they would work 78 hours a week and still not make any money from what they did. That same year in 1820 40% of the people who worked suffered from injures, poor health and safety. Then in 1842 conditions in coal mines were terrible. Something had to be done so the people in Victorian Britain called for change. Mining was profitable but the owners provided very little protection for their workers; there were over 1000 deaths every year. People who worked in factories were not paid very well. The owners would pay the workers with tokens that were not very valuable, these tokens were only allowed to be spent in the factory shops which there weren’t many off anyway. In my opinion it made life worse because of the working conditions in the factories. People had to work because they were poor and needed money but if they were only being paid with non valuable tokens then the workers are not being treated fairly. Also the workers were putting their lives at risk by working in the factories or by working in coal mines this could lower the population of Victorian Britain. The hygiene in Victorian Britain has developed by the nurses and doctors wore cleaner clothing and small pox cure was invented. There was a new sterilisation room and more medicines were available. There were cleaner water supplies and the reinforcement on the sewers helped the whole of Britain. The impact of hygiene and living conditions has changed by the nurses and doctors wore cleaner clothing this means their cloths do not carry as much dirt and germs as they did before. The small pox cure was a big impact of change because the illness, small pox, has caused many deaths which have decreased the population in Victorian Britain but the new invention of the cure for small pox will cause fewer deaths. The new sterilisation room and the greater verity of medicines meant people could be worked on and have a greater chance of living from the new medicines such as Anaesthetic and Antiseptic was introduced in the mid 19th century. But the most significant change is the cleaner water supplies and the reinforcements on the sewers, because with the cleaner water there would be fewer illnesses caused and more people would drink less beer and have the cleaner water instead. As for the reinforcements on the sewers, the sewers will not be as weak as they were and the sewage won’t flood into people’s houses or cause any illnesses. With less sewage around Britain, Victorian Britain will be a lot more hygienic city. People who benefited from these changes are all the people in Britain because the improvements were open to anyone in Britain may they be rich or poor. The new hygienic ways was meant for everyone there was no one who genially suffered from the changes. In my opinion the hygiene and living conditions have been better for Britain because the death rates lowered by 60% due to hygiene and 40% of the people who suffered from the hygiene were strong enough to join the army. So the hygiene has improved significantly in Victorian Britain. The entertainment in Victorian Britain has changed by there is a bigger variety for people to choose an entertainment. The entertainment changed significantly over the 19th century. In 1824 blood sport was banned so there would be less deaths and more entertainment in Britain. That same year in 1824 the first public bath came out. This meant people could be cleaner and enjoy meeting friend and socialising more. Then in 1835 the first camera came out, this brought huge amount of entertainment to the people in Britain and everywhere else around the world. In the 1840’s the train was the new biggest transport. This brought new experiences and it was a more entertaining way to travel and go on holidays. In my opinion the impact of these changes are there is a bigger variety for the people to choose an entertainment. People socialise more with each other and made friends with a lot more people. By the new entertainments people got more exercise by going to the baths or on the trains, by doing this the people of Victorian Britain will live a longer and more entertained life. But I believe the most significant change was the variety of new sports that people could watch or do themselves. The negative point is that for entertainment people went down to the pub and would drink too much beer and end up being drunk. This is because the landlords put salt in the food and the beer so people would get thirsty and drink more then they would get drunk. When they are drunk they cause violence and glass bottles would be thrown at them for being drunk. This could cause death or injures. In my opinion it made life better for Britain because the entertainment now is the same as it was in the 19th century. In Victorian Britain this is where it all started too led to the entertainment we have now in the 21st century. The most significant thing that made the entertainment change was the stop to blood sport and violence for entertainment instead the people of Victorian Britain began to love animals and use them for their own entertainment. The diet in Victorian Britain has changed by improvement of the quality of food because of inspectors. This means the people will live longer lives because of the food they ate. There will be less disease going around because of the people in Victorian Britain’s diet. In 1824 a man called John Cadbury opened a shop which sold drinking chocolate which it better than drinking beer and alcohol. Then by the 19th century John Cadbury sold his chocolate in bars to eat which was one of the biggest sold items on the market. In my opinion the impact of these changes has improved the quality of food because the people of Victorian Britain get to taste new flavour which healthier food. But the most significant change was the new inspectors that can round to look at all the food that was being made in the factories, to see if it was safe and healthy to eat. By the inspectors coming round this meant there would be less diseases because the food should be good to eat. The negative points of the diet are the healthier the people are the more they are made to work because the stronger they are. Also the working class of food could not afford to bring in new healthier food so they were still unhealthy and the people of Victorian Britain were not getting a healthy diet. This led to diseases still being caused but because of the new transport the food was getting better and not rooting. In my opinion the diet was better because less people were drunk because of the new drinking chocolate and people would get addicted to the chocolate so it did not cause problems. Food businesses grew bigger making new foods and more affordable food that will still taste as good for the people in Victorian Britain. My conclusion is in Victorian Britain people have changed significantly in all the factors. But the main factor that has changed Victorian Britain is the transport because I believe it is the biggest factor of the industrial revolution. The transport has linked up all of the factors, the transport is part of the entertainment because the people get to see new places and have more experiences. The transport links with the diet because if the food does not come over quick enough then in will rot. The transport and the working conditions because the working conditions on the train were terrible and people died from the poisonous fumes and people need to get to work fast then they should take a faster transport. The transport links with the hygiene because if someone was to be rushed of to the sterilisation room then they would take the fast transport to get there. The transport lastly links in with the education because the children need to get to school so they could take the train to get there. These entire factors link in with the transported so I think this is the most improved Victorian Britain.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Smallpox :: essays research papers
The Scourge of the World Nestled deep in the bowels of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, locked away in a blue and silver freezer lays what remains of humankind’s deadliest enemy. Neatly tucked away in a virology institute in Siberia, guarded twenty-four hours a day, lays it’s counterpart. No, not a man made weapon of mass destruction; just a natural born killer of man. This insatiable killer is known in the scientific community as the Variola Virus. To the layperson, it is called, smallpox. The smallpox virus first presented itself between three thousand and twelve thousand years ago, possibly in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs (Preston44). There are two types of Variola virus, Variola Major and Variola Minor. Variola Minor is a mutated form of the Variola Major. Variola Minor was first discovered in Jamaica in 1863. Variola Minor is not the strain responsible for millions of deaths: only one percent of the people who contract Variola Minor die from the virus (Preston45). The classic virus, Variola Major is responsible for one in three deaths among the people who contract this form. The Variola virus has had more victims than any other infectious disease including the Black Death, in the Middle Ages (Preston44). Although â€Å"smallpox†was officially declared eradicated, by the World Health Organization, it is still a topic of great concern and controversy to many scientist and governments, and the virus is coveted by many terrorist organizations. The virus spreads through droplet infection, such as sneezing, or through contact with the dried scabs of a victim, or even their clothing. Patients infected with smallpox will often begin to show symptoms within nine to twelve days after exposure. The symptoms present themselves in an almost â€Å"flu†like state. Beginning with a high fever, back aches, chills, and headaches. The next stage of the disease produces a rash on the face, arms, legs, chest and back. In a few days, the rash turns to a blister-like pustule. In the following days, the virus attacks the eyes, lungs, throat, heart, and liver, which lead the patients’ to a painful death. If the infected person is lucky enough to live, through the disease, the victim is left scarred and permanently disfigured. Smallpox has been around for centuries, and spreads with alarming ease. The Spanish brought the disease to Mexico in the 1500’s where nearly three million Indians were infected and died (Buran). Smallpox :: essays research papers The Scourge of the World Nestled deep in the bowels of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, locked away in a blue and silver freezer lays what remains of humankind’s deadliest enemy. Neatly tucked away in a virology institute in Siberia, guarded twenty-four hours a day, lays it’s counterpart. No, not a man made weapon of mass destruction; just a natural born killer of man. This insatiable killer is known in the scientific community as the Variola Virus. To the layperson, it is called, smallpox. The smallpox virus first presented itself between three thousand and twelve thousand years ago, possibly in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs (Preston44). There are two types of Variola virus, Variola Major and Variola Minor. Variola Minor is a mutated form of the Variola Major. Variola Minor was first discovered in Jamaica in 1863. Variola Minor is not the strain responsible for millions of deaths: only one percent of the people who contract Variola Minor die from the virus (Preston45). The classic virus, Variola Major is responsible for one in three deaths among the people who contract this form. The Variola virus has had more victims than any other infectious disease including the Black Death, in the Middle Ages (Preston44). Although â€Å"smallpox†was officially declared eradicated, by the World Health Organization, it is still a topic of great concern and controversy to many scientist and governments, and the virus is coveted by many terrorist organizations. The virus spreads through droplet infection, such as sneezing, or through contact with the dried scabs of a victim, or even their clothing. Patients infected with smallpox will often begin to show symptoms within nine to twelve days after exposure. The symptoms present themselves in an almost â€Å"flu†like state. Beginning with a high fever, back aches, chills, and headaches. The next stage of the disease produces a rash on the face, arms, legs, chest and back. In a few days, the rash turns to a blister-like pustule. In the following days, the virus attacks the eyes, lungs, throat, heart, and liver, which lead the patients’ to a painful death. If the infected person is lucky enough to live, through the disease, the victim is left scarred and permanently disfigured. Smallpox has been around for centuries, and spreads with alarming ease. The Spanish brought the disease to Mexico in the 1500’s where nearly three million Indians were infected and died (Buran).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Describe What Montessori Meant by New Education Essay
Dr Maria Montessori dedicated and committed her life into education of the children. She has witnessed through some years with wars and conflicts and she thought; through education this can be turned into peace to this world. Since the year 1907 Montessori name has been recognized in the education system. Even though it has been over a century to this date Montessori principles are as powerful as it was. Dr Maria Montessori has relied on her actual observations on children to develop her method of education. During these observations she has discovered that each child has their own urge to learn through their own way. She brought to light that children has an enormous ability which can be turned into positive energy and a new beginning. According to Dr Montessori; education should be aimed at human progress not only to gain knowledge. â€Å"It is the spirit of the child that can determine the course human progress and lead it perhaps even to a higher form of civilization. †(The Essential Montessori, Chapter 6, p. 64). Dr Maria Montessori believed in a natural process of education. There was a teacher oriented system in place and she did not believe this was focused on the child fully. She felt if we focused on child and observe them this would help us to understand the child. â€Å"Studying these children and their mutual relationships in an atmosphere of freedom, the true secrets of society come to be revealed. †(The Essential Montessori, Chapter 6, p. 64). Education should be in a natural way, children has every right to freedom to learn. Montessori thought we can give importance to every child with new education. She felt that the civilization had the wrong idea about children and this needed to be changed firstly. She believed that adults did not understand the children, this has led the education system to fail. According to Montessori; â€Å" the fundamental problem in education is not an educational problem at all : it is a social one. It consists in the establishment of a new and better relationship between the two great sections of society- children and adults. †(Maria Montessori Her Life And Work, Chapter XV p. 231) Montessori felt that the real problem consists in cementing a new relationship between children and adults and she realized something very wrong with the relationship. Montessori felt that in the past there was many revolution with regards to slaves, workers, women, peasants, child-labourers and so on. Limited to certain place and time. Where as the problem she saw between the adult and the child was universal and did not matter about race, religion etc. â€Å"Grace must build on nature†. (Maria Montessori Her Life And Work, Chapter 15 p. 233) Montessori felt that children needed to have child size classroom equipment. She has compared if adults were to be living in gigantic sized environment filled with gigantic sized equipments how uncomfortable it would be compare it to adult scale. The child should be left to gain his/hers self esteem. This would benefit him/her to have a confidence in himself and not to depend/rely on others in the future. Every child has got a natural power to develop himself. â€Å"Children decide on their actions under the prompting of natural laws†¦ Inner forces affect his choice, and if someone usurps the function of this guide, the child is prevented from developing either his will or his concentration.. a negative action is the interruption of work at fixed times in the daily program†. (The Essential Montessori, Chapter 6, p. 64). Montessori drew attention to how adult and children learn very differently. She has relied on her observations when she explained the differences. What he is able to do, he must do by himself. One of her biggest concern was that adults need to change the way they think about the needs of the child. Adult has reached the development and no longer will be developing where as child’s interactions with his surrounding is helping his development. The children could teach themselves and they can learn from their environment. Children work with a slower rhythm compare to adults. They can spend a very long time for example changing their shoes into slippers when they arrive at the nursery in the morning. While child is taking his shoes off parents/carers cannot help but taking over the action in order to get it finished and done with. They often lose their patience and complain that their child is taking such a long time! Or they cannot help but saying ‘Let me do that for you’. What adults expect is an adult speed from the children. Montessori says, â€Å" He is following a timetable like the most diligent scholar in the world- following it with the unshakable constancy of the stars in their courses. (Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, Chapter 8, p. 125). It is important that in order to help little children, adults firstly needs to learn to respect the rhythm of children. She stressed that children will repeat the same thing over and over. For example a child in the nursery picking the same book each time he is asked to choose a book for teacher to read to children. Another example of a child in the nursery who is choosing the very same practical life transferring water with a turkey baster activity each morning at the arrival of the nursery and going back to it though out the day. Montessori says â€Å" Now by the very boredom you have experienced in thus repeating and repeating this same exercise, you will be able to measure that imperious inner urge that drives the children to do the same thing. †(Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, Chapter 8, p. 129). Montessori believed that there are different periods in the course of the child’s development, corresponding to the different phases in the development of human body. These periods are from birth to six year of age. Differences does not change the learning type of mind. She observed that the impressions a child takes from his environment, not only to penetrate the mind, but they come to life since the child makes his own mental flesh in using the things that in his environment. She called this type of mind â€Å" The Absorbent Mind†. Montessori through her system of ‘new education’ aimed at using this real constructive energy to create a new world for humanity.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Personal & Professional Development Essay
1. Introduction In this assignment we can find the many different terms used to explain the Self-Managed Learning process, with the advantages and disadvantages of it. How this process can influence in a lifelong term, the personal and professional of an individual and how Selfmanaged learning can benefit inside of an organization. 2. The Self-managed Learning Context Many researches over the years have been showing the self- managed learning is getting very popular inside organization, based on the benefits that an individual acquires at the end of each achievement. Individuals that can manage their learning and activities are more responsible, independent and able to make tough decisions. Self-planning learning; selfeducating; self-directed learning and other similar terms together form the Self-managed context, in other words, the ability to organize and carry out an activity settled as a goal. 2.1 Self-Directed Learning In the early age, individuals are full dependents on the structure and the context given by their tutor, responsibility here is very low. A child needs to have some task to be accomplished, the tutor has to explain why and how tasks should be done. At the teenage stage the individual starts to be interested in their own learning, the tutor give them more space to be responsible. A simple example, when starting college they have the possibility to choose some subjects they would like to study deeper than the others. Once reached mature life the role tended to change. The adult pass to be self-directed learner, deciding what will be their own goals according with their needs. At this stage the tutor can be only partial responsible in the process of learning, showing them how important is to become a „SelfDirected Learner‟, encouraging and guiding, also stimulate the individuals to think outside the box, always to seek for evaluation on everything that they do, letting the participants dedicate their time on researches and experiments. The process helps the learners understand how to achieve their goals. The practice involves training and lifelong acquired skills. The self-managed learning starts when people show initiative to conquer some learning experience, being fully in charge for the learning and practicing constant evaluation to succeed. Determination; time; place; tools; evaluation; responsibility, are extremely important elements that a person must consider to be successful. We can find these factors in Malcolm Knowles‟s theory definition: â€Å"In this broadest meaning, ’self-direct learning’ describes a process by which individuals take the initiative, with or without the assistance of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating goals, identify human and material resources for learning, choosing and implement appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes.†(Knowles, 1975) The process of self-directed learning can be different based on the lifelong circumstances. All the tools, method, structures, conditions for learning are directed by the situations (Merriam & Caffarella, 1993). People learn things in different ways and speed, with their own or other people‟s experiences. It can depends on where it will be applied (e.g. at home, at work, study group, etc.); what tools will be used (e.g. books, internet, videos, etc.); whom is going to perform the task. It can be formal and informal. The self-directed learners after conquering their aims, starts to be more aware of their responsibility in taking learning seriously and directing themselves (Garrison, 1997). They become more creative, curious and the willing to try something new, different (Lyman, 1997), Problems and difficulty to complete a task are seeing as fun challenges (Taylor, 1995). Based on Taylor‟s point of view, the S-D Learners are motivated and persistent, independent, self-disciplined, self-confident. 2.2 Self-Regulated Learning It is a reference to â€Å"thoughts, feelings and actions that are planned and adapted to the attainment of personal goals†(Zimmerman, 2000). The components of S-RL involves, as all the other terms, setting goals for learning, focus on training, using strong strategies to organize ideas, looking for researches effectively, managing performance and time, holding positive beliefs about one‟s capabilities (Schunk & Ertmer, 2000). There are tasks that makes Learners more autonomous, being capable of create an environment of S-RL, some of them are authentic strategies, autonomy-based assignments, and portfolios. Self-Regulated Learners don‟t only need to understand the strategies but realize the importance of using them to achieve success. Self-Regulation processes focus on how learners can manage their feelings and motivations to learn. It can be improve with practice. However, stresses related with low income such as psychological distress on adults and low quality of childcare background can harm the development of the individual, like occupational rank inside the organizations. Self-control is one of the most important key/skill to success inside any organization, also in the personal life. 2.3 Self-Planned Learning The term says for itself. Here we can find some procedure to put on practice SML: Selecting a subject or skill to learn, first evaluating knowledge acquired, seeking for weakness and errors that can be improved. Selecting methods, resources or equipment for learning S-M Learners thinks they would be wasting time by letting the responsibility on somebody else to manage the time for each task. No wrong time and location, the learners will be available whenever/wherever there are. Expect to feel proud for accomplishing the task and get people attention. They may be too confident planning the steps for the learning, will be easy to complete, but say is easier than done. Perseverance and self-control will lead the learner. May feel hesitant to let and accept others direct their procedures, affecting their beliefs, attitudes or habits. Setting goals and deadlines. Designing all the steps and following them one by one. 2.4 Learning Project Project-based learning is an instructional method that provides students with complex tasks based on challenging questions or problems that involve the students’ problem solving, decision making, investigative skills, and reflection that includes teacher facilitation, but not direction. PBL is focused on questions that drive students to encounter the central concepts and principles of a subject in a hands-on method. Students form their own investigation of a guiding question, allowing students to develop valuable research skills as students engage in design, problem solving, decision making, and investigative activities. Through Project-based learning, students learn from these experiences and apply them to the world outside their classroom. PBL emphasizes creative thinking skills by allowing students to find that there are many ways to solve a problem. 3. Ways to promoted of S-DL in Personal & Professional Lifelong Term Happy staffs are productive Staffs. Foucher’s (1995) revealed based on research that organization that promote SDL can increase the presence of a participative management style, a pleasant environment that employees enjoy independence, making them seeing as very competent and motivated individuals. Giving them support for new strategies application, being tolerant with error and supporting unplanned, non-systematic learning activities, such as little private projects. SDL process can increases creativity and sense of perception, getting a better spot among the others. Once outside of the organization, they feel lighter, happier, self-confident, etc. All this emotion opens space for a healthier life, the individual become more communicative and comprehensive and patience. 4. Benefits of S-ML Inside Organization Organizations nowadays are becoming â€Å"learning organizations.†Where it promotes or rewards individuals to learn on benefit of the organization (Beitler, 2003, Chapter 12). For this process the establishment needs to have a continuous creation of learning opportunities that can be shared with others learners/employees (team work). Promoting a healthy dialogue and giving also space for continuous evaluation (Watkins and Marsick, 1993). Promoting seminarians; handling books; re-printed articles; and light sessions of training are, still, the most used. However, SDL costs should be away less than to traditional training programs. A learning organization can be defined as a structured environment focused on teamwork, collaboration, creativity. Senge (1990) identifies five disciplines essential for the learning organization: systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, building a shared vision, and team learning. An evaluation of all those 5 elements it is a win-win between employers and employees. 5. Conclusion We could see, individuals that can practice self-managed learning, who can evaluate, plan, sets their own goals based on their needs and interests are more capable to stand-out among people that always have been told what to do. Changes are not a problem; they are challenges to be achieved. Self-evaluation is the key, is where everything starts. S-ML is a process to be developed at your personal life, professional, at school, at your social group. Be different and become unique. It‟s never late to start learning, it all depends on you.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biography of Lili Elbe, Pioneering Transgender Woman
Biography of Lili Elbe, Pioneering Transgender Woman Lili Elbe (born Einar Magnus Andreas Wegener, later Lili Ilse Elvenes; December 28, 1882– September 13, 1931) was a pioneering transgender woman. She experienced what is now known as gender dysphoria and was one of the first individuals known to receive sex reassignment surgery, also known as gender confirmation surgery. She was also a successful painter. Her life was the subject of the novel and film The Danish Girl. Fast Facts: Lili Elbe Occupation: ArtistKnown For: Believed to be the first recipient of gender confirmation surgeryBorn: December 28, 1882 in Vejle, DenmarkDied:  September 13, 1931 in Dresden, Germany Early Life Born as Einar Wegener in Vejle, Denmark, Lili Elbe began life as a boy. Some sources believe that she was intersex, having some female biological characteristics, but others dispute those reports. Some think she may have had Klinefelter Syndrome, the presence of two or more X chromosomes in addition to the Y chromosome. Destruction of medical records leaves these questions unanswered. Elbe studied art at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, Denmark. There, she met illustrator and painter Gerda Gottlieb, who was accomplished in both art nouveau and art deco styles. Marriage and Painting Einar and Gerda fell in love and married in 1904. They both worked as artists. Einar Wegener specialized in landscape paintings in a Post-Impressionistic style while Gerda found employment as a book and magazine illustrator. Einar exhibited works at the prestigious Salon dAutomne in Paris, France. Around 1908, Danish actress Anna Larssen failed to show up for a modeling session with Gerda Wegener. Over the telephone, the actress suggested that Einar wear womens clothing and substitute as a model due to his delicate build. He was hesitant at first, but agreed after pressure from Gerda. Lili later wrote, I cannot deny, strange as it may sound, that I enjoyed myself in this disguise. I liked the feel of soft womens clothing. I felt very much at home in them from the first moment. Einar soon became a frequent model for his wifes work. After walking in on a modeling session, Anna Larssen suggested the name Lili for Einars new persona. It was soon adopted, and Lili began appearing more often outside of modeling sessions. The surname Elbe was later chosen in honor of the river that flows through Dresden, Germany, the site of her last surgeries. In her autobiography, Lili Elbe expressed that she eventually killed Einar, while setting herself free, when she chose to have sex reassignment surgery. In 1912, when word emerged that the model for Gerdas work was actually her husband, they faced scandal in their home city of Copenhagen. The couple left their country and moved to the more accepting city of Paris, France. Throughout the 1920s, Einar frequently appeared at events as Lili. Gerda often presented her as Einars sister. By the end of the decade, Lili became desperate to live life as a woman. Doctors and psychologists labeled Lili a schizophrenic to describe the battle between male and female. She chose May 1, 1930, as a suicide date. In February 1930, however, she learned that the doctor Magnus Hirschfeld might help her begin the transition process. Transition Lili Elbe underwent a series of four or five sex reassignment surgeries beginning later in 1930. Magnus Hirschfeld consulted on the procedures while gynecologist Kurt Warnekros performed them. The first involved removal of the testicles and took place in Berlin, Germany. Later surgeries implanted an ovary and removed the penis and took place in Dresden, Germany. The planned final operation involved implantation of a uterus and construction of an artificial vagina. Some reports emerged that the surgeons found rudimentary ovaries in Lilis abdomen. Later in 1930, Lili obtained an official passport under the name Lili Ilse Elvenes. In October 1930, King Christian X of Denmark officially annulled the marriage of Einar Wegener and Gerda Gottlieb. Their parting was amicable. Lili was finally able to officially live her life as a woman. Lili ended her career as an artist, believing that the work as a painter belonged to Einar. She met and fell in love with French art dealer Claude Lejeune. He proposed, and the couple planned to marry. Lili hoped surgery would allow her to bear a child to build a family with her husband. Death In 1931, Lili returned to Dresden, Germany for surgery to implant a uterus. In June, the surgery took place. Lilis body soon rejected the new uterus, and she suffered from an infection. Drugs to prevent rejection did not become readily available until fifty years later. Lili died on September 13, 1931 from cardiac arrest brought on by the infection. Despite the tragic nature of her death, Lili expressed to friends and family that she was grateful for the opportunity to live life as a woman following the surgeries. Reflecting on life after her first surgery, she wrote, It may be said that 14 months is not much, but they seem to me like a whole and happy human life. Legacy and The Danish Girl Unfortunately, many gaps in the life story of Lili Elbe existed. Books at Germanys Institute for Sexual Research relating to her story were destroyed in 1933 by Nazi students. Allied bombing raids in 1945 destroyed the Dresden Womens Clinic and its records during World War II. For researchers, the process of sorting myth from fact is difficult. Much of what is known about Lili Elbe comes from her autobiography Man Into Woman published by Ernst Ludwig Harthern-Jacobson under the pseudonym Niels Hoyer after her death. It is based on her diaries and letters. Many researchers believe that Lili Elbe was the first woman to receive sex reassignment surgery. However, some dispute the fact. Whether unique or not, the surgery was highly experimental in the 1930s. In 2000, author David Ebershoff published his novel The Danish Girl, based on Lili Elbes life. It became an international bestseller. In 2015, the novel was made into a film of the same name. Source Hoyer, Niels, editor. Man Into Woman: An Authentic Record of a Change of Sex. Jarrold Publishers, 1933.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Does sildenafil citrate reduce the natural rate of follicular atresia Essay
Does sildenafil citrate reduce the natural rate of follicular atresia in luteal phase - Essay Example The research findings demonstrated different effects on the basis of the amount of follicles and sildenafil citrate, duration and intervals applied on the patients during menstruation, which also endorses the certain impacts of sildenafil on AFC. The study elaborates the reason behind subfertility affecting approximately 10% of the couples (Beurskens et al., 1995), and discusses the ovarian characteristics and challenges. According to the study, human ovary carries ~7*10 non-growing follicles, which declines with growing years, leading to menopause ultimately (Faddy & Gosden, 1966). The research has also elaborated the follicular dynamics and their role during menstruation. Moreover, follicular apoptosis, survival factors, endocrine and paracrines factors, and angiogenesis have always been evaluated by elucidating their relationship with subfertility and blood flow. The study has specifically discussed the follicular survival factors in details by drawing out their association with the entire fertility and pregnancy phenomena, including the comprehensive outlook of DNA in fertility and during pregnancy. Furthermore, the notion sildenafil, its mechanism of action, (PDE 5 inhibitor) as well as sildenafil’s role as an an tiapoptotic agent has been an essential part of the study. Sildenafil citrate has turned out to be a highly effective factor with regards to fertility, where there could be noticed significant ovarian response in the wake of applying sildenafil to the patients undergoing subfertility. In addition, three-dimensional ultrasound, its comparison with two-dimensional sono AVC, and its extra advantages have also been ascertained by paying heed to ultrasound technique and its necessity during research process and treatment of patients as well. Despite the reality that sono AVC contains several benefits in its nature and scope,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Assignmens Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assignmens - Assignment Example Infanticide is murder and it is indeed a crime. Morally one cannot harm any creature which has life unless it is for his survival. Abortion is immoral because it is a killing of a life. A fetus is a developing person and a human in formation. Just because the fetus is silent and unseen it does not lose the right to live. It is a life form given chance to live in world by God and no one has the right to abort its life. Immorality is any effort of human to kill another life form. A fetus is human and killing is crime and against natures law. A fetus has the right to live and need to give consideration which a human get and hence killing a fetus is immoral. Abortion is a shame on humanity and is equal to killing of a person. No, Thompson does not provide a defensible argument to the right to life. Right to life is something which God bestow upon a creature and a human does not have the power to kill a fetus. A fetus is life and a mother and a human has an obligation to protect the life. The life could be taken only if it is a threat to the life of the mother or her health. Unless and other wise, these is no defensible argument which can justify abortion. Thompson considers the fetus out of rape as a threat to mother, but the child which is unborn is innocent and is her offspring so she should protect it. A mother cannot unplug a child from her body like an ailing person who is connected to her. A child is the blood and gene of a mother and she is no way can steal her right to live. George is right on arguing against abortion as they advocate fetus to be a complete person. A human being is formed from the point of fertilization. When ovum and sperm unite, the human is formed and then it is a person. The authors are right on the fact that a mother has the responsibility of protecting her child in the womb. An embryo has pain and it can feel as a life form and has the right to live. The author explains that fetus performs bodily action and can have
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